Tools in this section are advanced scripts intended for experienced computer professionals.
They likely require Programming, Networking and Server Administration skills.
They are listed here as a service to the Run8 community.
Support of each listing is up to the author of each utility.

R8dium - A discord bot for managing per-user passwords with Run8
This great little utility comes from community user Sinistar!

If you host a Run8 server and use Discord, this bot can help you manage your users.
For more information, see the R8dium github page:

(Linked with permission)

R8DiscordLogs - A discordbot for getting Run8 logs into discord
This great little utility comes from community user GarrisonSan!

If you host a Run8 server and use Discord, this bot can stream the Run8 logs to a discord channel of your choosing.
For more information, see the projects github account:

(Linked with permission)

Run8 Server config file backup script
This is a script from community user GarrisonSan!

This script can backup the config files from multiple Run8 servers on the same PC.
Useful for server operators who run multiple regions off the same hardware and want a scripted approach to backing up key files.
For more information, see the projects github account:

(Linked with permission)